Create an account in BizMagnets
Create your account and explore BizMagnets features.
Last updated
Create your account and explore BizMagnets features.
Last updated
You can create a free account on BizMagnets by filling up the form. Enter the necessary information to proceed with the login.
Your business name, business email ID, phone number, and your business website are some of the mandatory requirements that have to be filled while signing up for the BizMagnets account.
You will receive a verification link at your business email address to verify your email ID. Click on the link to confirm your business email address.
Input your email ID and password to sign in to your BizMagnets account.
You can explore BizMagnets in two ways:
Explore BizMagnets with demo account
Activate WhatsApp API
-> Exploring BizMagnets with demo account.
Once you sign up on BizMagnets your free trail will be activated for the next 14 days.