Order Details Template
The Order Details Template is an interactive tool designed to enhance customer engagement through improved call-to-action buttons.
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The Order Details Template is an interactive tool designed to enhance customer engagement through improved call-to-action buttons.
Last updated
It allows you to send order details within a template, providing a more streamlined and efficient experience compared to standard messages. Once your Order Details Message Template is created and approved, you can use it to share order or billing information with customers, encouraging prompt payments.
To create an Order Details Template in BizMagnets:
Navigate to Settings from the dropdown menu and select "Templates."
Click on the "+ Create New Template" button to open the template editor.
Provide a name for the template.
Select Payment Utility as the category.
Set Category Change to "No."
You can enhance your message by adding either a text or an image as the message header.
Then, add the message content you wish to share with your customers. To make it more personalized, use variables.
Enter the values for variables to get approve from WhatApp team.
You can choose either Catalogue Products or Custom Products as the template format.
Catalogue Products as Template Format: Select and send products directly from your connected catalogue.
Custom Products as Template Format: Create and send your own custom product items.
10 Next, select your payment provider (WhatsApp Native Payments) from the dropdown menu.
Select the product or products that your customers have purchased from your catalogue.
In the Advanced Settings, you can optionally add details for Tax, Shipping, and Discount (if applicable).
Finally, you can include a footer in your message as well.
Once you’ve filled in all the required fields, click on Submit for Approval with the META Team. It typically takes around 24 hours for the WhatsApp template to be approved.
Once your template is approved, you can begin sending product messages without any issues. Be sure to monitor the approval status and make any necessary adjustments based on feedback.
After the template is sent, it acts as a payment request. By clicking on "View Order," the user can access the order details. You can also track order and payment information in the WhatsApp Order and Payment records, depending on their source.
This template ensures that order and payment details are presented clearly, making the payment process smoother for customers.